Logging Data


Logging Your Data

The Data Destruction Auditor from Verity Systems provides users with the ability to log and capture data from each device that goes through the hard drive destruction process.

In order to make the process as transparent as possible, the Data Destruction Auditor has been designed to include a number of pre-selected fields where users can implement important information.

For manufacturing businesses and large government departments, multiple user profiles can be created with a variety of technical input fields which include component serial numbers, department personnel information and more. This allows companies with multiple offices and locations to properly verify their data erasure processes. This also includes the ability to store records in a secure cloud or server environment on a company intranet / VPN. A number of data destruction devices can be connected to the software to measure live destruction. These include a number of automatic hard drive degaussers from Verity Systems such as the DataGone and DataGone Plus degaussers, which can processes hundreds of hard drives per hour.

To learn more about the Data Destruction Auditor and how to use the software visit our Resources section. You can also order a copy here or contact us to find out more about the software and how it can help your business protect and remove data.